2024 Boao New Power System International Forum - Power System and New Energy Technology Innovation Forum

Call For Papers

Call For Papers

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

◕ Intelligent Energy

1. Smart Low Carbon Transformation of Cities

2. Integrated Energy Services

3. Multi-station integration

4. Smart City

5. Multi-energy synergies and complementarities

6. Integration of energy and building, transportation, industry and other industries

◕ Digital Grid Technology and Application

1. New power system digital technology system

2. Intelligent power chip

3. Intelligent power sensors

4. Cloud-network convergence

5. Edge computing

6. Artificial Intelligence

7. Energy Big Data

8. 5G, Beidou Communication Terminal

9. Electric power network security protection

10. Energy Blockchain

11. Digital Twin

◕ New Power System Planning

1. New power system operation mechanism and development pattern

2. Large-scale grid integration and consumption of new energy generation

3. New data-driven power system dispatching control

4. Grid Flexible Interconnection

5. New energy active support technology

6. Hybrid AC/DC Distribution Grids

7. Smart microgrids and microgrid clusters

8. Large Power Grid Security and Stability Analysis and Simulation and Operation Control

9. Demonstration Project of New Power System

10. New Electrification

◕ New Power System Source, Grid, Load and Storage Multi-dimensional Interaction

1. Virtual Power Plant

2. Demand Side Response

3. Advanced energy storage technology

4. “Source, Grid, Load and Storage” Integrated and Efficient Interaction

5. Low-carbon energy-saving transformation of industrial parks

6. V2G large-scale vehicle-network interaction and green travel services

◕ Intelligent Electricity Consumption

1. Intelligent Electricity Consumption

2. Electricity market system

3. Pricing and Cost Reduction Mechanism

4. New power system to promote the high-quality development of the free trade port

5. Scale development of new energy storage

6. Combined wind and storage power plant

◕ Intelligent Energy Measurement

1. Intelligent energy measurement technology

2. Application and support of electric energy data integration

3. electricity communication technology

4. distributed power supply monitoring and local consumption

5. Electricity and carbon measurement and monitoring

6. Carbon Market and Carbon Asset Operation

7. Electricity finance and carbon finance