2024 Boao New Power System International Forum - Power System and New Energy Technology Innovation Forum




Registration Fee

Regular Registration(4 pages)

570 USD/ paper (4 pages) 

3800 CNY/ paper (4 pages)

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5)

60 USD/ extra page

400 CNY/ extra page

Purchase Extra Proceedings/Journal copies

75 USD/book

500 CNY/book


Details of the registration fees

1. Registration fees for Boao New Power System International Forum 2024 Regular is 570 USD / 3800 CNY per paper.

2. If the length of the paper exceeds 4 Pages, the cost of Each Extra Page (begin at Page 5) is 60 USD / 400 CNY.

3. The registration fee does not include:  ① Accommodation  ② Visa application fee   ③ Transportation fare.

4. And at least 20% of the registration fee will be charged as the service fee if you retract your paper for personal reasons.